
China RecyclingEnergy Corporation Announced Results of 2015 Annual Meeting of Stockholders

XI'AN, China, June19, 2015 -- China Recycling Energy Corp.(NASDAQ: CREG) (“CREG” or “theCompany”), a leading industrial waste-to-energy solution provider in China,today announced that all stockholders resolutions proposed at the Company's2015 annual meeting of stockholders held on June 19, 2015 local time were dulypassed. Specifically, the stockholders endorsed the following resolutions:

1.  Theelection of five directors, Messrs. Guohua Ku, Yulong Ding, Geyun Wang, CangsangHuang and Albert McLelland, each to serve until the 2016 Annual Meeting ofStockholders;

2.  Theratification of the appointment of MJF and Associates, APC as the Company'sindependent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year endingDecember 31, 2015;

3.  Theadoption and approval of the China Recycling Energy Corporation Omnibus EquityPlan;

4.  The conduct of an advisory vote on the compensation of theCompany's named executive officers.

AboutChinaRecycling Energy Corp.

China Recycling Energy Corp. (NASDAQ: CREG) (“CREG” or “the Company”) is based in Xi'an,Chinaand provides environmentally friendly waste-to-energy technologies to recycleindustrial byproducts for steel mills, cement factories and coke plants inChina.Byproducts include heat, steam, pressure, and exhaust to generate large amountsof lower-cost electricity and reduce the need for outside electrical sources.The Chinese government has adopted policies to encourage the use of recyclingtechnologies to optimize resource allocation and reduce pollution. Currently,recycled energy represents only an estimated 1 percent of total energyconsumption and this renewable energy resource is viewed as a growth market dueto intensified environmental concerns and rising energy costs as the Chineseeconomy continues to expand. The management and engineering teams have over 20years of experience in industrial energy recovery inChina. For more information aboutCREG, please visit

Formore information, please contact:

Mr. Jackie Shi, Chief Financial Officer
ChinaRecycling Energy Corp.
Tel: +86- 139

Email: /


Ms. Xiaoyan Su(China)

Vice President

Tel: +86-10-5900-3429


Mr. Christian Arnell (China)

Vice President

Phone: +86-10-5900-1548
